Hiten Bhuta: A Tech Visionary’s Quest for Spiritual Enlightenment


In the dynamic landscape of technology and entrepreneurship, Hiten Bhuta stands out not just for his achievements in the tech industry but for his extraordinary journey into the spiritual teachings of Adi Shankaracharya. This tech CEO is charting a unique path, bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and ancient philosophical wisdom.

**A Tech Mogul’s Dive into Spiritual Realms:**

Hiten Bhuta, known for his innovative leadership in the tech sector, is now gaining recognition for his deep dive into the spiritual teachings of Adi Shankaracharya. His exploration is a testament to the growing trend of successful entrepreneurs seeking fulfillment beyond material success.

**Reviving Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Mind:**

Bhuta’s engagement with Shankaracharya’s teachings, especially through “Atma Shatakam” and “Atma Bodha,” is not just a personal quest but a mission to make these timeless insights accessible to contemporary audiences.

– **Atma Shatakam (Nirvana Shatakam):** Bhuta interprets this as a journey of self-discovery, leading one to understand the eternal nature of the soul, beyond the physical world.

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  – **Atma Bodha:** Bhuta presents this as a guide to self-realization, helping individuals distinguish their true self from their physical existence.

**Innovative Approach to Ancient Teachings:**

Bhuta’s approach is unique. He integrates the profound wisdom of Shankaracharya with modern scientific principles, making these ancient teachings resonate with today’s tech-savvy generation.

– **Atma Shatakam Explorations:** In his sessions, Bhuta offers insights into experiencing life beyond the physical realm, addressing the root causes of personal and societal challenges.

  – **Atma Bodh Insights:** These teachings are presented as a deep dive into understanding one’s true nature, emphasizing the concept of self as a space of infinite potential.

**Hiten Bhuta: The Author and Thought Leader:**

Beyond his lectures, Bhuta has authored six books on “Atma Shatakam,” available in Hindi and Gujarati, offering a modern interpretation of these ancient texts.

**Adi Shankaracharya’s Teachings in Today’s World:**

In an age where information overload and fast-paced lifestyles are the norms, Shankaracharya’s teachings offer a much-needed respite, guiding individuals towards a peaceful and enlightened existence.

**Blending the Old with the New:**

Hiten Bhuta’s journey is a striking example of how traditional wisdom can complement and enhance modern living. His work is a reminder that in our pursuit of technological advancement, we should not lose sight of the timeless wisdom that has guided humanity for centuries.

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Discover more about Bhuta’s enlightening journey [here for Atma Shatakam](http://sakartrust.org/atma-shatakam-video.html) and [here for Atma Bodha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0QN1lMhOwU&list=PLmFzPt6ZVA3EcvvrRlzunwrWkpMqGD4TS).

**Supporting the Spiritual Journey:**

The Sakar Jivanvikas Trust plays a crucial role in supporting Bhuta’s endeavors. This NPO’s commitment to preserving India’s rich spiritual heritage is evident in its support for Bhuta’s mission and the broader Culture Appreciation Project (CAP), which celebrates India’s diverse cultural heritage.


Hiten Bhuta’s story is a compelling narrative of a modern-day tech leader’s pursuit of ancient wisdom, a journey that resonates with entrepreneurs and professionals seeking deeper meaning in their lives and work.


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