How Much Is Your Business Really Spending?


It’s hardly surprising that money is a major concern for a lot of businesses. Let’s be totally honest, as important as many of the other aspects of your business might be, without money the entire thing is just going to come crumbling down. It might not be the ideal way of thinking about your business, but sadly we don’t live in an ideal world, and it’s important to be realistic, especially when there are jobs and livelihoods on the line. Many businesses have a pretty hefty focus on maximizing the amount of money coming in, but there’s one thing they tend to ignore all too often: their outgoings. Now, this isn’t to say that businesses forget that they have to spend money, far from it, most businesses are constantly aware that most things that they do with involve some form of financial investment. The problem that far too many businesses have is that they don’t think carefully enough about whether the money that they’re spending is actually justified. A great deal of the time they simply accept that whatever money they’re spending must surely be necessary and that they don’t have any other option. Of course, it hardly takes a genius to see the problem with this attitude, but it’s one that’s all too easy to slip into when you’re dealing with all of the other issues that come with running a business. In order to help you get a better idea of how you should be using your money, here are a few things that you could well be spending too much on, and how to reduce that amount.



Every business needs supplies and equipment, that’s fairly obvious. However, that doesn’t mean that your business necessarily needs the number of supplies that it has. Look at your business carefully and think about what its needs really are. Depending on the type of business that you’re running, your equipment needs could range between anything from large manufacturing equipment, medical supplies, or simply just a few computers and basic office supplies. Knowing what it is that your business really needs (and, more importantly, doesn’t need) is crucial to bringing costs down. Not only that but you shouldn’t assume that the company or supplier you’ve worked with until now is giving you the best possible deal. Shop around and see what else you can find, you might even have the chance to haggle the price down with your current supplier to get the best deal possible.


Most businesses, especially new startups, massively overestimate just how much money they should be spending on their marketing. They understand how important marketing is but they don’t realize that just because you spend a lot of money and have as much marketing as possible, that doesn’t mean it’s going to pay off in any significant way. The best thing that you can do is to reduce the scope of your marketing and focus on a couple of specific methods and techniques. Thanks to the internet, many of the best marketing methods are practically free as well. Social media is one of the most effective marketing tools at your disposal, and you don’t have to pay a penny for it. So rather than wasting money on pointless marketing, figure out where it would be best suited and invest in that instead.



Most businesses simply have too many employees; it’s as simple as that. The average employee is only productive for a few hours a day, the rest of that time is spent being bored, distracted or unengaged. It’s easy to blame that on the employees themselves, but in reality, it’s down to you. If an employee doesn’t actually have enough work to keep them engaged in what they’re doing for the entire day, then, of course, they’re going to get bored and distracted! The best solution to this is to streamline your workforce. Not only will this solve the problem of employees not having enough work to do but it also helps to bring costs down pretty significantly. The amount that you’re paying your employees often counts for a pretty significant portion of your business’s outgoings, so if you’re able to reduce that as well as increase productivity overall, then that’s the definition of a win-win scenario.

Of course, your business is always going to require you to spend money, but by following these simple pieces of advice, you can avoid spending more than you need to while still getting the most out of your business.


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