Profiles of Success With Frank Danna

About Frank Danna

Frank, the oldest of six children, can often be found perfecting the art of brewing, drinking, and sharing coffee with friends and family. Frank is an entrepreneur at heart, having successfully sold his first startup at twenty-five.

Frank is a pop culture connoisseur, world traveler, and collector of limited-edition posters. In his spare time, he writes children’s books, makes silly videos, and enjoys fitness. Frank lives in Houston, Texas, with his gorgeous wife Megan and awesome children, Emma and Levi.

You can find me online at LinkedIn   |   Instagram   |   Twitter or contact me at

Why Did You Become an Entrepreneur?

I became an entrepreneur by accident! The business I founded (parabox creative) was after I had fallen in love with creating content on Vine. As more business has approached me to work with their brands, I had to make a decision as to whether or not I wanted to continue to do this alone…or build an actual business around it. Just four months after incorporating, my company was acquired by Softway.

How Do You Deal With Fear?

I like to recognize fear for what it truly is. A distraction. When I’m afraid, the best course of action is to begin introspecting on why I’m afraid. Am I afraid of failing? Am I afraid of looking bad? What is the actual reason for the fear I’m feeling? If it’s not rational, I try to overcome fear by simply helping myself remember that it’s just a distraction.

How Do You Deal With Rejection?

As someone who struggles with impostor syndrome, rejection can feel even more damaging then what others may feel. When I’m rejected I have to remind myself of the truths that I know about my accomplishments, my personality, and what I believe to be true. At the end of the day, how other people feel about me isn’t as important as how I feel about myself.

What’s the Name of Your Company? What Exactly Does Your Company Do, How Do You Help People?

Softway. We are a tech company focused on transforming workplace cultures. We help leaders and teams understand how their individual behaviors contribute to the overall culture and performance of the company.

Name One of the Biggest Challenges You Have Faced and How Did You Overcome It?

In late 2018, one of our clients asked us to produce a full two-day leadership experience for them in just under two weeks. Having had no previous experience creating a training event like this for a client, it was daunting—to say the least. The only way we overcame it was to not only equip more of our team members, but also fully understand and rely on empowerment within our team to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

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What Piece of Advice Do You Wish Someone Had Given You at the Start of Your Career?

Do not worry about what other people think about you. If you know it to be true, and you see a path forward—do it. Stop second-guessing your ability.

Who Are Your Biggest Influences and People You Admire and Why?

Mohammad Anwar, Chris Pitre, Jeff Ma, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. For the first three, I’m constantly inspired by their kindness, work ethic, and ability to learn and grow over time. For The Rock, he’s…THE ROCK!

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Name a Person Who Helped You Along the Way?

Mohammad Anwar is someone who has helped me throughout my entire career. He’s giving me chances to do work when no one else would. He’s supported me even in the background, and helped me grow into the leader I am today.

What Do You See as Your Greatest Success in Life, So Far?

I’m going on 13 years of marriage, and coming from a broken home where abuse and poverty were normal…that feels like a pretty great success. To have two wonderful children as a result of my marriage, AND to have checked off a bucket list item of writing a best-selling book, these are all great successes in life. But I don’t know if I’ve fully achieved my greatest success yet.

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What Book Would You Recommend and Why?

Well, a book just came out to that I’m pretty partial to. It’s called Love as a Business Strategy. The title alone may not sell it, but I can guarantee you once you dig into the book you’ll realize just how radical and unique it is. Also, I wrote it…so I think I need to say that.

What’s a Personal Self-Talk, Mantra, Affirmation or Self-Belief That Contributes to Your Success?

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