Profiles of Success With Ronny Leber

Profiles of Success With Ronny Leber

About Ronny Leber

My name is Ronny Leber. I love to educate, entertain and empower people. I am a keynote speaker, TV and event host and got to entertain more the 5 million people on 5 continents – from several award winning events to full stadiums to prime time TV.

You can find me online at  |    LinkedIn   |   Facebook   |   Instagram    |    Twitter   |

Why Did You Become an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author, Etc. in the First Place?

From when I was a little kid I always loved events where the whole world came together. Later… much later, after many trials in other areas, I made that passion my career.

How Do You Deal With Fear?

Action kills fear. It’s all about getting clarity of what you want and taking your first step in that direction. Having been around Tony Robbins for more than half of my live I got to know myself a lot. For the past years I have been working for Tony as a trainer at his events. To answer your question more precise: it takes work on myself in order to tackle the really big things.

How Do You Deal With Rejection?

I learned to face rejection when working in sales 2 decades ago… I was a door to door salesman where rejection is more the norm than the outlier. Instead of being afraid of the “No’s” my Teamleader always encouraged me to have a goal of getting a certain number of NO’s today instead of getting a certain number of YES’s. That paradigm shift changed a lot for me.

What’s the Name of Your Company? What Exactly Does Your Company Do, How Do You Help People?

Ronny Leber Entertainment. We help people to create events that educate, entertain and empower. We provide the voice that shapes the identity of their live or virtual events.

Name One of the Biggest Challenges You Have Faced and How Did You Overcome It?

After finding my passion and know what I wanted to do (which was to do hosting big sports events for a living), without knowing anyone in the industry, to hosting some of the biggest sports events up to 120,000 people at one time. Not just that… also corporate events to TV anchorman and TV boxing ring announcer. It all started with a dream where I wanted to go and relentlessly pursuing it. In the beginning there were a lot of “empty miles” that after a while added up. In the beginning you never know which road will lead you were… it is about being hungry and knowing what you want. I can go into more details here.

What Piece of Advice Do You Wish Someone Had Given You at the Start of Your Career?

Be crystal-clear what you want. Dare to ask. Follow your guts. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Build a system and a team around you.

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Who Are Your Biggest Influences and People You Admire and Why?

– Tony Robbins – I’ve spend more than half of my life in the TR environment. I was always curios about why we do what we do and what makes people successful. That’s how I came to Tony. For more than a decade now I’ve been working at Tony’s event as a trainer.

– Many sports athletes and peak performers. For example Tom Brady. Especially having been in high school in New England I followed his career from the early days in Foxboro. I was blessed to meet him and got a lesson on what it takes to construct a comeback.

– I am privileged to be exposed to many peak performers through my work… from Olympic Champions to top level politicians and business leaders. The beautiful thing is that you can learn from all of them.

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Name a Person Who Helped You Along the Way?

My parents have always been there for me. I am very blessed to have had their support along the way. And of course my wife Elizabeth, who moved from Colombia to Austria, so that we could live together.

What Do You See as Your Greatest Success in Life, So Far?

To be able to do what I love to do for a living and create, together with my wife, the life of our dreams.

What Book Would You Recommend and Why?

There are many… I love to read respectively listen to audio books.

If it would be one: “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle – I love that book because it is so deep and inspirational. It makes you realize that everything you will ever have in your life is right now.

What’s a Personal Self-Talk, Mantra, Affirmation or Self-Belief That Contributes to Your Success?

There is ALWAYS a way!

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