_MG_1019-Edit two25There is an internal war that is constant within us. Have you ever noticed that whenever your boss asks you to call him or her immediately you start to think what did I do wrong? Did someone report me? Then the voice proceeds to identify people in the organization who you think may be against you. What if I were to tell you that the fight is over? What if I were to tell you that everything comes in your life for your greater good? Today the giant in you is about to be awakened. Hear me out. When you encounter new experiences from your life, especially issues that affect youFight-Overr security, this can trigger survival instincts, and the flight-or-fight stresses responses. If you are not sure that you are secure in the world, the fear can become more intense.

Every Moment Is Unique

For example, fear can intensify if you lose your job and are not sure how you will pay your bills. Even if the change is positive, such as getting married, you can still feel elements of fear because you are making a change and do not know all the possible consequences. A deeper fear that you may not be aware of is the fear of death. Every moment is unique and dies and gives birth to the next moment, but because it is predictable, you see life as continuous. However, when something more obvious ends in your life, such as a relationship, there is generally a pause before something new comes in.

Why Do You Struggle?

Unfortunately, during this pause or void, nothing much seems to be happening or moving forward. It’s like you are stuck on pause, unsure about what will happen next or when it happens. Usually at this point, you worry about what could go wrong and try to fill the gaps. The first question you need to ask, then, is: Why do you struggle? The second question is: Can you change this pattern of thinking?

You Must Be Able To See

The answer is yes; you can change your pattern of thinking because change is the only constant variable. Could I also tell you that focusing on the past is the very reason your problems keep showing up in your life? You must be able to see and know where you are going if you want to end up in that destination. You must see the results in your mind for your end dictates your beginning. All-new things begin as ideas in a fertile imagination, including inventions, governments, art, and even spiritual principles.

You have only to hold these marvelous concepts in your minds believing in yourself, and gradually like electric current circumstances and initiatives will guide you to your desires. Everything first exists in your mind before it exists in the physical world, including the feeling of lack and limitation. When times are hard, you must first look within because your own mind is shaping the world around you.

Mind is Always Shaping.

Are you adhering to your core values and focusing your mind on them at all times? If you are, then you will know it because those values will manifest themselves in your life. No matter how we act, this fact does not change: your mind is always shaping the fabric of your reality. However, when you let thoughts of greed, anxiety, and envy runs loose, they will turn the mind’s power against you. Your wayward thinking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Am I suggesting that millions of people brought about their own financial ruin? No I am not! Some things just happen because the destructive energies set in motion by other mind’s years before must fulfill their purpose.

For example, if you worked in a company that could possibly go out of business soon, and your mind was oriented only on the fear of unemployment and poverty, then you would suppress your ability to attract new opportunities into your orbit because you would broadcast nothing but fear and worry. However, if your eyes were set on an unchanging set of values, then you would manifest those things in your life and probably find new employment in a creative field that would not only bring you a paycheck, but also greater fulfillment and success.


Pastor Gloria Taylor-Boyce

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