These Things Are Disappearing Because Millennials Refuse To Pay For Them

Each generation gets unfairly judged for whatever reason. Supposedly, Baby Boomers were a bunch of hippies, and Gen X gets called slackers. The harsh stereotype attached to millennials is that they are wiping away the old way of doing things (even though they were working just fine for everyone else). This includes phenomenon such as not buying homes or even their breakfast choices. Why do they insist on doing everything differently? Here are the traditional things that are endangered because of millennial habits.

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Cereal Has Become An Inconvenience

cereal boxes look yummy to eat
Eating cereal on a Saturday morning while watching cartoons was a pastime for ’90s kids. Fast forward to 2019, and it seems like those same kids are responsible for the decline of cereal. As perplexing as it sounds, it’s true.

The New York Times reported that 40 percent of millennials surveyed said that the sweet and crunchy morning option “was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.” That explains why avocado toast is so in demand now.

Keep The Reclining Chairs And Surround Sound

Have you begun to notice that movie theaters are upgrading for the better? Many have elected to adopt the reclining chairs, a full bar you can order from, and a waitperson brings you what you ordered to your seat, so you don’t have to miss a beat.

They’re doing this for a reason. The movie theater industry is slowly dying thanks to millennials electing to stay at home and stream what they want to watch the moment it hits their favorite service.

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Who Needs To Buy Gas Anymore?

subaru and young lady standing there next to it

Cars are slowly becoming less of a necessity and more of a burden. The car industry is suffering in this modern age for a few reasons. One interesting stat is that millennials are waiting longer than ever to get their licenses, something automakers are entirely shocked to discover.

Another and more obvious reason is Uber! Throw public transportation in the mix as well as ride sharing, and young adults are finding out that owning a car isn’t worth it. Urban-based young people might give in and eventually buy a car.

Do You Prefer Body Wash?

no more soap bars, younger people aren't buying them
The name of the game now is body wash. Bars of soap are almost obsolete even when your bathtub might have a built-in soap dish. Chances are, younger folks haven’t used that dish at all, and there’s a good reason behind that.

MarketWatch report said that 60 percent of adults 18-24 think that soap bars become covered with germs after using it. That’s alarming, but that explains why body wash like this premium pine body wash is so popular now. Rest in peace to soap bars everywhere.

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Who Needs A Gym?

Bella Hadid seen at Gotham GYM
It’s no secret the millennials love staying in shape, but they aren’t doing it traditionally. The gym is the thing of the past as younger people prefer “boutique studio classes, online streaming services, running clubs, CrossFit gyms” and other out of the norm ways of keeping their muscles toned according to the New York Post.

All this boils down to is that millennials are hip to trying new things, but as a result, the old ways get pushed out of consciousness. Gyms may not survive for much longer.

Did You Say, Fabric Softener?

fabric softener getting held by a cute stuffed animal inside of a dryer
The Wall Street Journal reports that young people aren’t finding fabric softener as something they need. Due to the increased quality of clothing fabrics and washing machines, millennials are quick to leave the softener at the store.

Statistics show that the decline in the fabric softener market started when sales dropped 15 percent between 2007 and 2015. Big time marketing execs are steadily trying to find a way to connect with the young folks, but their efforts seem futile.

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No Brews No Problem

Trinidad and Tobago and England soccer fans react during a big screen viewing of the England v Trinidad and Tobago
At a certain age, beer becomes a staple in your refrigerator. At least, that used to be the case for past generations, but there’s a new wave hitting the forefront recently and millennials are all in.

This new trend is pot, and the generation coming behind millennials likes that instead of alcohol. Not only is drinking beer becoming less and less popular, but it may soon become something people frown upon in the future. Are brewers in trouble?


Bye-bye Cable, Hello Streaming

an ad for hulu of a woman holding up a couchella sign
Cable TV is slowly on its way out of many homes, and millennials are receiving the blame for this dying industry. Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and HBO all provide streaming services that only require a subscription, internet access, and a device to watch it.

The ease of it all makes sense for anyone who cancels their cable for the switch. The main reason millennials get the blame for this one is that they embrace this accessibility the most, and will never go back to the confines of wires and scheduled programming.



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To-go Please

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Casual dining is on the decline. Fewer people are sitting down at TGI Fridays and ordering a long island iced tea during happy hour. The CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings blames millennials for the restaurant chain’s struggle to get people in the door and seated at a table.

Perhaps with the emergence of apps like GrubHub, Uber Eats, and Postmates, folks get to stay where they are and have their favorite dish come to them. We don’t even have to make the trek to the restaurant to pick it up. Meal-kit companies have something to do with this too…

Napkins Are Going Extinct

napkins are going out the door
When eating at home, there’s a four in ten chance that you’re going to use a napkin. Fifteen years ago, that ratio was at six in ten. The decline is thanks to millennials, who are more likely to use a paper towel in place of a napkin.

It works just as well, if not better and it’s one less thing to buy. A marketing director also pointed out that the younger generation is less likely to eat around a table… is the dining table next on the list?

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Shopping Online Has Never Been Easier

department stores are closing a fast pace
For shopaholics, there are few things sweeter than purchasing a new outfit from the comfort of your bed. It’s even better if you select one-day shipping! That brings us to the question: what’s the point in going to a department store when you’re only two clicks away from buying new clothes?

Sadly, department stores are closing at a fast rate. While some businesses elect to shut down only a few locations, others’ brick and mortar stores are closing completely.


The Suit, Or T-shirt?

This person is wearing a suit, something that has become more rare
You rarely see CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a full suit unless he’s being questioned by Congress. Instead, he sports a plain t-shirt every day and even made the look synonymous with success in the tech industry. As a result, millennials are following in his footsteps.

Not only that, but workplaces allow casual attire every day, not just on Fridays. It’s become more accessible and convenient to ditch the suit unless you have to wear one for a special occasion. Lifestyles are becoming more focused on wearing leisure gear as well.



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Home Phones Are For Their Parents

Although all millennials remember using a home or landline phone growing up, with the rise of cell phones, they no longer had a need for them. They could talk to their friends in private, worry about someone needing to use the phone, or their parents listening on the other end.

According to a survey, 66 percent of 25-29 -year-olds live in a completely wireless house. So, it’s safe to say that moving into a new place that they’re more-than-likely renting, getting a landline phone is at the bottom of their list.

Paying A Mortgage? No Way!

Buying Homes -630047924
One of the big jokes against millennials is that they’re graduating from college and moving right back into their parent’s house. Well, this is mostly because many can’t even afford an apartment on their own. Furthermore, with housing prices continually rising, many will most likely never be able to own a home.

Another reason millennials are opting out of a house is that they find it too restricting. They’d rather rent an apartment or a house in order to have mobility. so they don’t have to make a huge commitment with a mortgage. Want to move from California to Canada? No problem!

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Bulk Groceries Are A Waste Of Money

Bulk Groceries -525628438
Although their parent’s house might be fully stocked with groceries at all times, a millennials pantry and fridge might look a little different. many aren’t tempted by bulk grocery buying, especially at stores with memberships like Costco.

They’re only shopping and cooking for themselves, so why do they need two weeks worth of groceries that won’t even all be used? Millennials like to buy things when they absolutely need them, so spending money on groceries that might go bad only seems like a bad investment.

A study uncovered that 75% of millennials don’t have any life insurance. They don’t have it because they can’t afford it. Not having the money to do it is one thing, but once they realize its something they would need, sorting through the options can become intimidating.

Something millennials fail to realize is that the younger you are when you get coverage, the cheaper it will be in the long run. The life insurance business isn’t as prominent as it once was, but with proper education, that can change.


Source: Money Pop

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