What Are the Top 3 Challenges in Oil and Gas Recruitment?

Hiring and retaining quality talent is challenging for most industries, but the oil and gas industry is facing unique issues due to shifts in technology, consumer perceptions and behaviors, and the nature of the work itself. Although jobs in the industry typically pay high salaries, this is becoming less important as the current workforce ages and younger generations of workers have different priorities and needs. Furthermore, worries about the oil and gas industry becoming irrelevant due to climate change regulations and shifts in energy technology have prevented some potential workers from being attracted to these types of jobs.

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Shifts in Technology

One of the challenges facing an oil and gas recruiter denver is the changes in energy-related technology. Developments like artificial intelligence have resulted in the elimination of some jobs and the creation of others. The integration of technological advancements into how oil and gas are extracted has also transformed the skill sets needed for existing positions. This has made it more difficult for recruiters to find qualified candidates to fill open positions and for existing organizations to ensure current employees receive the proper training.

Other shifts in technology that are impacting industry recruiters are the development and proliferation of green energy. These advancements have made it possible for consumers and industries to use alternative energy sources, reducing the use of traditional fossil fuels. These types of shifts are expected to accelerate as climate change concerns become more prominent in politics, legislative changes, and consumer purchase behaviors. The knowledge of these changes makes it less attractive to secure a job in an industry that may become irrelevant.

Grueling Nature of the Work

Working in the types of jobs the industry offers requires intensive labor, exposure to dangerous conditions, and time away from home. These factors can make oil and gas jobs less attractive despite the high salaries. Younger generations, in particular, may hold different work values and priorities compared to older generations. Not wanting to be away from home and family and desiring work that is less dangerous or physically taxing can make it more difficult for recruiters to find new talent. As a result, the current labor force in oil and gas jobs is aging, as over 50 percent of the force is on the older end of the spectrum.

Consumer Behaviors and Perceptions

As consumers continue to learn about the harmful effects of fossil fuel emissions, they may not only reduce their use of products that burn these fuels. They may also refrain from working in industries that promote fossil fuel extraction and use. With other industries paying adequate or competitive salaries, younger and older generations alike could eliminate oil and gas jobs from consideration. Recruiters are likely to meet resistance to traditional tactics and existing benefits the industry uses to find qualified talent.

Recruiting good talent for the oil and gas industry is becoming more difficult due to multiple factors. As technology becomes more advanced and changes the options consumers have for energy use, the need for traditional fossil fuels will continue to diminish. Available workers will find jobs that may not be around long-term less attractive despite the high salaries and solid benefits. Furthermore, shifting values and priorities among younger generations are making it more of a challenge to match those values and priorities with the conditions of jobs in the industry.

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