3 Ways Having A Pool Can Affect Your Finances


If you live in an area that has hot summers, you’ve likely thought about putting in a pool at your house. Especially if you have older children, having a pool can be a lifesaver as the weather gets warmer. However, owning and operating a pool isn’t all fun and games. To have a properly functioning pool, you do have to make a bit of an investment, both in time and money. So to help you make an informed decision about putting in a pool at your house, here are three ways having a pool can affect your finances. 

Initial Building Costs

 While a pool can bring you hours of fun over the years, the initial building costs that come along with putting in a pool can be high. According to Lisa Gibbs, a contributor to Time Money, an average in-ground pool can cost you anywhere between $20,000 and $30,000, depending on its size, the ground your home is built on, and other factors. Energy Efficient Pool Pump Manufacturers offer pool equipment that can help lessen the costs of your pool maintenance. This means that most people will either have to save their money for a while or take out a loan in order to afford a pool or even hot tubs. And although you may think that having a pool would increase the resale value of your home, and you can even add a Pool Basketball to have even more fun in the pool, although also costs could increase. To ensure you achieve your dream pool, working with professional swimming pool builders is advised.

 Additional Insurance

 Aside from having to build the pool on your property, there are other costs that you’ll likely incur. As was mentioned above, not everyone views having a pool as a positive point for a property. This is mainly because pools can be dangerous if used carelessly. Because of this, Susan Johnston Taylor, a contributor to U.S. News and World Report, shares that insurance companies often have higher premiums for homeowners that have a pool. If something were to happen to someone while swimming in your pool, you could be held liable for the associated costs. This means that your insurance would be on the hook for paying any settlements. And because of this additional risk, your insurance rates are often higher when a pool is on the property.

 Proper Care and Maintenance

 For your pool to be functional, it needs to be maintained. According to HomeAdvisor.com, common pool maintenance tasks include skimming, brushing, cleaning filters, maintain pH and water levels, opening and closing the pool as the seasons change, shocking the pool and more. While you can do these things on your own, this type of maintenance often requires weekly care, which can be a burden. If you have the extra money, you can always hire someone to take care of your pool for you, which can run you anywhere from $75 to $100 per hour. This time and financial investment is something to think about before you contract out the work of building a pool.


While having a pool at your home can be a great perk, it’s good to know exactly what you’re getting into financially when you decide to put in a pool. Use the information mentioned above to help you make the most informed decision possible.

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