Benefits of Sustainable Carryout Bags for Your Business


Business 24

Packaging counts for more than you might think. The packaging you choose for your products represents your brand, and it will be memorable to your customers. Sustainable carryout bags have innumerable benefits for our planet and they can play a huge role in the success of your business.

Improve Business Success

In a highly competitive market, your company’s success relies on its ability to appeal to as many people as possible, and gain customer loyalty in the process. As knowledge about carbon footprints has been on the rise, consumer value for sustainable products is increasing rapidly. Eco-friendly practices—such as the use of sustainable carryout bags—demonstrates to the public that your business is thoughtful, responsible and values excellent quality.

Advertising that your business is using sustainable shopping bags makes for an excellent marketing campaign, whether your business is just now starting out or is a well-known brand. Eco-friendly practices make your business stand out in a competitive world, your services more memorable and your customers more loyal.

Eco-friendly shopping bags also influence other factors that are responsible for the success of your business. Responsible business practices bring in more job seekers, giving you the opportunity to be more selective in the employees you hire. With more potential candidates, you are more likely to secure thoughtful, loyal and responsible employees to increase the quality of your business. Additionally, many investors understand the demand for eco-friendly services and it is likely that they value them as well. “Greener” carryout bags can actually increase your company’s status in the eyes of these invaluable investors.

Energy Efficiency

Did you know that a traditional, flimsy carryout bag requires approximately five times the energy to be manufactured as a carryout bag that is reusable and sustainable? A plastic bag, usually made from scratch, will have to undergo a manufacturing process that wastes natural resources and causes unnecessary greenhouse gasses. On the other hand, a bag made from recycled or biodegradable materials skips those harmful steps.

No Plastics

Plastic materials, however commonly used, are not necessary and they are harmful to the environment and even individual health. Petrochemicals are found in the majority of plastics, and producing them requires an incredible amount of energy and resources. They can even be harmful to a customer’s health if they come in contact with their food.

While plastics can be recycled, the majority of plastic materials are not. The non-recycled plastics are left to float around in the environment. Animals often mistake these floating plastics for food; this is because they often have traces of food on them or are brought to life by the movement of the water. This can cause them to choke or die of infection or starvation when the bags wreak havoc on their digestive system.

Luckily, sustainable carryout bags do not use plastic. If you are looking for sustainable bags, then you may consider these Baggu reusable bags.

Biodegradable Disposal

Not only is the production of eco-friendly carryout bags a much less harmful process, but also disposing of them responsibly is easy for customers. Because sustainable packaging is recyclable and compostable, it is as easy as sticking it in a recycling bin or burying it in the ground. Either way, the bag will be completely recycled or quickly broken down naturally.

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