Dealing With Your Toxic Ex after the Divorce

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The process of divorce is difficult, even under the most amicable of circumstances. If you are dealing with a divorce from a toxic ex, the process can be unbearable. The same goes for your children, no matter their ages. It is important to handle your divorce and your ex the right way, to help shelter your children from any drama whenever possible. The following tips will help you find the right balance so you can come out of the divorce with a relationship with your kids, at the very least.

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries with your children and your former spouse, and don’t be afraid to respectfully enforce these boundaries. You should never disparage your ex in front of the children, no matter how tempting it may be. Likewise, don’t use your children to get back at your ex, or to serve as informants as to what your ex is doing after the divorce. Take the high road – it may not seem like it now, but it will pay off in the end. Your children will see that you handled yourself with grace and dignity, and eventually that will strengthen your relationship. As therapist Lori Grubb tells us, “You can’t control what others do, but you can control how you react to their actions.”

Avoid Drama

Divorce does not come without some measure of drama, even if you and your spouse part amicably. It is important for both of you to preserve your relationships with your children whenever possible. Your attorney like the ones at family lawyers Melbourne will help you work out details such as child support, custody and visitation, so you can focus on your kids, and healthy relationships, and keep any drama to a minimum.

Seek Counselling

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Counselling is imperative for everyone involved, especially your children. If you are considering counseling and therapy, then you might want to consult an expert in marriage counseling in Myrtle Beach. Even the well-adjusted child can be damaged by a divorce if the parents don’t handle the ending of the marriage properly. You should consider individual therapy sessions for you and your children, as well as joint sessions that include all of you. These joint sessions will allow you to work through any issues with your children that pop up as a result of the divorce. Your family law attorney can give you a referral to a competent therapist in your area that deals with divorced parents and the children who are products of divorced parents.

Consult Your Attorney

It is important to consult your divorce attorney regularly, especially if you are going through a very contentious divorce. Do not make any major decisions regarding housing, finances, your job, your children or handling of your ex without consulting your attorney first. Divorce lawyers can help ensure that you are making the right choices and avoiding sanctions from the divorce court judge for bad decisions. You also want to protect your relationships with your children, as well as your relationships with friends and family members that may be affected by the divorce. Get in touch with a child custody lawyer if you have children. Since divorce laws are different in every state, you need an attorney in the local area that is well-versed in divorce law and has extensive experience in successfully handling divorce cases. If you are currently going through a divorce, or you have recently been divorced, it is important to have a competent attorney on your side to help you through any issues that arise. Legal issues don’t end once the divorce decree is signed. If you are in need of CA divorce advice and assistance, there are several agencies you can contact, such as Liaise Solutions. A legal professional can answer your questions and give you more information to help you make the right decisions for your situation.

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