Profile of Success with Damon Burton

What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation, or self-belief that contributes to your success?

I briefly touched earlier on being self-driven. So I’ve never really needed straight up motivation. That’s something that I’ve become more aware of in recent years, and am increasingly grateful for.

What I advise to others is to be comfortable with the unknown. Earlier I said that “in many ways, I ‘dated’ my jobs.” I recommend that others “date” their career or project before you “marry” it.

Before I committed to SEO National, I dated jobs. Even if I knew the job wasn’t going to be a long-term career, I took the opportunity to learn while I was in it. I’d take little bits of knowledge that I acquired and applied those in the next career choice or job position. I’d take something away from each opportunity and leave behind the parts that I didn’t need.

I’d repeat that over and over. Just like when you’re young and in dating relationships, you identify characteristics in your dates that you like for a long-term relationship versus those that you don’t. Identify what you like and don’t like in those working relationships and apply that to your career marriage.

Don’t be afraid to not know the entirety of your path right now. Instead, “date” a little and be open to letting the opportunity reveal itself. I knew that a career in SEO was “the one” for me, then I “married” that career.


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